The city of Pune, often lauded for its development and cultural vibrancy, is silently witnessing a tragic saga—the systematic cleansing of its street dogs.
Category: Street Dogs
If you love stray dogs so much, take them all home! .. Nuisance you are!
“If you love the stray dogs so much, why don’t you take them into your house and take care of them, instead of creating a nuisance outside …
The Negative Impact of Employee Poaching in #animalwelfare
Poaching is equivalent to stealing. When organizations or individuals take away staff from another, without following ethical practices like notice periods, they are not just taking away a person, they are disrupting the system that supports the welfare of animals.
You care more for the dogs on the road than humans – why?
The choice to champion these voiceless creatures over human silence isn’t a dismissal of human needs; it’s a testament to our capacity to advocate for the vulnerable …